Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shortcut to Learning Guitar Chords Part-4

On to the derivation.


Now we combine Concepts 1, 2 and 3. We're doing derivation now using only A or E. Let's start with A.

Look at this:

A -> 2 steps up, you get B
B -> 1 step up. you get C
C -> 2 steps up, you get D
D -> 2 steps up, you get E
E -> 1 step up, you get F
F -> 2 steps up, you get G
G -> 2 Steps up, you get A

Confused? Don't! Here's a summary, let "-" means 1 step up the fretboard:


The whole point of this is: using A "form", you can derive all chords! You only need to learn A, and you get all other chords. Cool, isn't it? For now, I just need you to remember that (re: use A, move some steps UP the fretboard and you'll get all the chords. Normally, you need to move 2 steps, except B to C and E to F which only need 1 step).

Everything's going to get cool from this point on.


Use E form, and you'll also be able to get all chords. Yeah?

Yes. No kidding.

Follow the same progression as in A, 2 steps each except B-to-C and E-to-F. That means:


You should have realized how simple it is now.

My simplest hint to remembering all of these is using the following diagram:


Don't forget that after G, you go back to E. Did you noticed the symmetry? Let me help if you haven't noticed the obviousness of it. Take another look at this:

Better yet, this:

Do you see a spectacle? (Our band's bassist suggested otherwise, but I reckon it's a bit lewd so I leave you to figure out.) Imagine that everytime.

Now note:

moving from line-to-circle or circle-to-line means 2 step

moving within the circle is only 1 step

So, A->B is 2 step, F->G is 2 step, B->C is one step. Got it?

That's easy. I know.